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Thank you for your interest in the Ambassador program. This program was launched on Sunday, November 7th 2021 and is currently in the application phase. If you are interested in FIDO and would like to be a key member in our community and the success of this project, we encourage you to apply!



This program aims to identify and empower representatives of the FIDO brand. Ambassadors will play a key role in facilitating communication between the internal FIDO team and the external community and increasing brand awareness. In addition, ambassadors will have the opportunity to work closely with the project founders and assist in the development of the project. The ambassador role comes with many benefits, learn more about them below!


External Community Outreach

Organically generating brand exposure across various media channels 


Actively engaging in and generating discourse and general brand awareness using relevant communication channels. 


Writing and responding to comments that generate awareness of  FIDO


Using personal social media accounts to repost brand material

Content Influencer

Content creation on owned channels (twitter, Tik Tok, Youtube etc)

Posting original / reposting FIDO related content

Content Strategy 

Identify current & upcoming social media content creation concepts and trends (hashtags , tik tik sounds etc.)


Identify potential influencer partnerships across social media channels

Internal Community Support 

Answering internal community questions 


Facilitating engagement and conversation across media channels. (telegram, twitter, reddit etc.)


Updating our media channels

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